Month: February 2021

Sun-Dried Tomato, Basil and Jalapeno Frittata

Sun-Dried Tomato, Basil and Jalapeno Frittata

I really wanted an omelet for dinner last night. Cooking an omelet for myself, never mind the entire family, is next to impossible. I have to park the wheelchair sideways next to the stove to keep my feet out of the way. My feet in 

Tapenade and Shrimp

Tapenade and Shrimp

Last night I made a recipe that is now going to be a new favorite family recipe. I had no plans to write this recipe down or take pictures. Because of this, I have one picture on a paper plate that I took right after 

Covered Microwave Cooking Bowl

Covered Microwave Cooking Bowl

As I was eating my breakfast, I was thinking how much easier it was to make this morning. A lot of mornings I like hot cereal. I’m equal opportunity with my hot cereals. Oatmeal, Cream of Rice, Cream of Wheat, Maypo, Ralston, and even Coco 

Slow-Cooker Italian Chicken Pasta

Slow-Cooker Italian Chicken Pasta

I may have brought this up before, but one of my biggest struggles is finding ways to cook pasta. I was browsing through recipes when I saw a recipe that cooks the pasta right in the slow-cooker with other ingredients. This sounded promising. I definitely