Eetch (Armenian Bulgur Salad)

Eetch (Armenian Bulgur Salad)

Recently, I got a dozen lahmejun from an Armenian church food sale. Lahmejun are like a very thin crust pizza or flatbread topped with minced meat, vegetables, and tomatoes. If I lived near an Armenian store or bakery, I would make this for dinner more 



Today, the day before Halloween, we woke up to the first snowfall of the season. You might imagine that we would be having a warm stew or soup for dinner, but when have I ever done things that make sense to other people? I am 

Creamy Coleslaw

Creamy Coleslaw

Last night we had fish fry sandwiches. A fish fry is an upstate New York thing. I was unfamiliar with them in the Boston area, but I learned what they were when we moved here. It’s simply a sandwich made of a piece of fried 

Fruit Salad Dressing

Fruit Salad Dressing

My “go to” side dishes have to be easy. When I’m putting time and energy into making an entree, I don’t have much left in me to give to accompaniments. For this reason, things like frozen and canned vegetables, rice, couscous, roasted potatoes and other 

Armenian Chopped Salad

Armenian Chopped Salad

One of the things I love about summer are the fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden. Summer is the time we get to eat a lot of sliced tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and cucumbers sprinkled with salt. This is so easy as a